Zutaten 300g Kopf Brokkoli, in Röschen gebrochen 300g Nudeln 1 EL Pinienkerne 1 großer Bund Basilikum 1 große Knoblauchzehe 2 EL Parmesan, fein gerieben 2 EL Ölich Olivenöl 200g Kirschtomaten, halb...
Marinated Olives and Feta Cheese
This special Mediterranean appetizer is prepared so quickly and is also such a delicious treat that you can hardly believe. It can be prepared in 10 minutes - the quality of the Ölich olive oil sta...
Ever tried an amazingly excellent salad? This salad is a MUST for every salad lover, of course combined with the Oily Olive Oil! This recipe is one of a kind, we LOVE it.💚 Ingredients For candied ...
Parmesan Brussels Sprouts Salad
Making a Brussels sprout salad sounds a little intimidating, but it doesn't require much preparation. With a combination of toasted almonds, parmesan cheese, and pomegranate seeds, it's the best si...
Pumpkin soup with ginger and coconut milk
With this soup you cook not only your heart warm again, but also your intestine happy. Perfect for the cold days of autumn and winter. Ingredients 500 g Hokkaido pumpkin, cleaned and weighed out 1/...
Creepy delicious Köfte meatballs spiders for Halloween
Attention, temptingly delicious! Don't be afraid, you've never had such delicious meatballs before. Ingredients 1 onion 10 g parsley 500 g quality minced beef 1 free-range egg 2 tablespoons Volkorn...