Ölich in the Kitchen

Brokkoli Pesto Pasta 🥦 - Ölich
Zutaten 300g Kopf Brokkoli, in Röschen gebrochen 300g Nudeln 1 EL Pinienkerne 1 großer Bund...
Marinierte Oliven und Feta-Käse 🫒 - Ölich
This special Mediterranean appetizer is prepared so quickly and is also such a delicious treat...
Apfelsalat 🍎🥣 - Ölich
Ever tried an amazingly excellent salad? This salad is a MUST for every salad lover,...
Parmesan-Rosenkohl-Salat 🧀🥣 - Ölich
Making a Brussels sprout salad sounds a little intimidating, but it doesn't require much preparation....
Kürbissuppe mit Ingwer und Kokosmilch 🎃 - Ölich
With this soup you cook not only your heart warm again, but also your intestine...
Gruselig leckere Köfte-Frikadellen Spinnen zu Halloween 🎃🕷️👀 - Ölich
Attention, temptingly delicious! Don't be afraid, you've never had such delicious meatballs before. Ingredients 1...