Ölich in the Kitchen

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Quinoa Salat mit Zitronen-Chili Garnelen & Kirchererbsen - Ölich

Quinoa Salad with Lemon Chili Shrimp & Chickpeas

This quick and easy lemon-chili shrimp chickpea quinoa shells dish, is great for lunch or dinner or just a great snack in between! 👌🏻 Ingredients For the quinoa 1 cup uncooked Quinoa, tricolor or r...

Würzig frische Bruschetta - Ölich

Spicy Fresh Bruschetta

There is nothing better than a good, fresh and spicy bruschetta as an appetizer. It's one of the classic things you can order at an Italian restaurant and now you're going to love it because you ca...

Marinierter Blumenkohl - Ölich

Marinated Cauliflower

3 Servings [served with half of the sauce] 290kcal/6P/15K/22F each Ingredients 1 Cauliflower 3 Tablespoons Tahini 3 Tbsp water 2 Tbsp sweetness of your choice 2 Tablespoons tomato paste 1 Chili or ...

Focaccia Brot - Ölich

Focaccia Bread

The bread of loaves, give me the oil and the vinegar and I can get started 👌🏻 ❣️ Ingredients Dough 1 Cup plus 1 tbsp (255 ml) warm water 2 Teaspoons (5 g) active dry or instant yeast 1 ¼ Teaspoon (...

Fluffige Olivenölkuchen - Ölich

Fluffy Olive Oil Cake

This delicate, fluffy olive oil cake is prepared from start to finish in less than an hour, making it an ideal option for a last-minute dessert 👌🏻 It emphasizes the strong taste and nuanced aroma o...

Wassermelone & Reissalat mit Huhn - Ölich

Watermelon & Rice Salad with Chicken

Watermelon, rice and chicken? Certainly a strange combination, but that's exactly what makes our crispy chicken salad so irresistible. It's not just great sight for the next barbecue! 1 Serving Ing...