Ölich in the Kitchen

Quinoa Salat mit Zitronen-Chili Garnelen & Kirchererbsen - Ölich
This quick and easy lemon-chili shrimp chickpea quinoa shells dish, is great for lunch or...
Würzig frische Bruschetta - Ölich
There is nothing better than a good, fresh and spicy bruschetta as an appetizer. It's...
Marinierter Blumenkohl - Ölich
3 Servings [served with half of the sauce] 290kcal/6P/15K/22F each Ingredients 1 Cauliflower 3 Tablespoons...
Focaccia Brot - Ölich
The bread of loaves, give me the oil and the vinegar and I can get...
Fluffige Olivenölkuchen - Ölich
This delicate, fluffy olive oil cake is prepared from start to finish in less than...
Wassermelone & Reissalat mit Huhn - Ölich
Watermelon, rice and chicken? Certainly a strange combination, but that's exactly what makes our crispy...