Marinierter Blumenkohl - Ölich

Marinated Cauliflower

3 Servings [served with half of the sauce] 290kcal/6P/15K/22F each


1 Cauliflower

3 Tablespoons Tahini

3 Tbsp water

2 Tbsp sweetness of your choice

2 Tablespoons tomato paste

1 Chili or (1/2 tsp chili flakes)

1 tsp each salt, cumin, curry

1/2 tsp each acc. Ginger and garlic powder


the cauliflower leaves

80ml Ölich olive oil

some salt

Juice of half a lemon

a large handful of parsley

2 Cloves of garlic

Credit: fitgreenmind


  • 1
    Mix the marinade and coat the cauliflower with it
  • 2
    Bake it at 180 degrees convection for 20-25min
  • 3
    Mix the sauce
  • 4
    Serve everything

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