Soup Recipes

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Das gute Gartensüppchen 🥦🍲 - Ölich

The Good Garden Soup

For a lively, hearty dinner, scoop up a bowl of garden soup and make the summer evening more refreshing.Ingredient½ Asparagus ½ Leek 1 Zucchini 1 Cup green peas, frozen 1 Head broccoli ...

Cremige Tomatensuppe mit Käse - Ölich

Creamy tomato soup with cheese

Serves 5 Ingredient 10 Roma tomatoes, halved 1 Garlic (or as much as you like) 1/2 white onion 1 Tablespoon sugar 1 Cup cooking cream (or cream) 4 Cups vegetable stock (or water) 1/2 Cup ...